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  • Cherie' Summers

Adrian and Melody, Book 3 is coming!

Excited to announce that the tentative release date for Adrian and Melody is August 4. Currently, it is available on my publisher's website as a presale if you wish to reserve a copy now. (they're having a great summer book sale!)

I have added a page here on the site with the story synopsis. Yes! It's a good one I promise. Fans of the series will be delighted to see many characters come full circle and have a satisfying and heartwarming conclusion to their stories. Others won't have such a happy ending but those stories have a purpose in getting Adrian and Melody where they need to be in their relationship.

When I began writing this one, I was a few chapters in when I asked myself, "Have I completely neutered Adrian?". I wanted badly for him and Melody to have their happy ever after at last, but in the process I felt like I was taming Adrian far too much and that simply was not going to happen. So, while you'll see a softer side to Adrian, he is still the rowdy rebel with the hot temper and naughty mouth. But now he's more in control. As for Melody she's still the gorgeous girl with a heart of gold who has reached the goal she set out for herself in book 1. She's still a bit naive at times, and still very much in love with Adrian. The sex scenes have been amped up a few notches as now we have two adults, both very comfortable in their sexuality and with their love for one another.

In addition to steamy sex scenes, you're also going to get the drama and heartache. One scene still has me crying each time I read it. But, there's a heavy dose of comedy added in as well. If you've grown to love the band members as much as I have, you'll be laughing at their playful banter. Buzzy's zaniness is also something I amped up as well. Annette, Melody's best friend who was almost absent from book 2,

returns with a very important story line. A minor character from book 1 will make a brief but crucial appearance in this story as well. The group's circle of friends is going to widen with the introduction of several new characters, including two big surprising characters who will create some friction between Adrian and Melody.

You have my word though, that in the end you'll be happy you read the first three books and have arrived at the same destination as Adrian and Melody.

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