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  • Writer's picturecheriesummers18

It's been awhile.

Seems like forever since I wrote my last post. Eight months to be exact. So much has happened in the world. The lockdown and switching to online work was a huge change. In addition to losing my friend George in December, I lost another dear friend to cancer in March. Then two more guys I went to high school with passed away as well. It's shocking to lose your peers. It makes you think about your own mortality and adding Covid into the mix certainly had me thinking as well.

For a long time, I could not get inspired to write. Thoughts, ideas, stories rambled around in my head, but I found it difficult to get it out onto the computer. Summer came and things got better. I started three new novels, although I still can't seem to get a flow of writing going for long periods of time. I've come up with an idea for my third novel in the Love and Lush series, and trying to go with it. But it's been a struggle to keep the creative momentum.

During July, I decided to learn how to create my own audiobook. This required researching equipment and seeing what it was that companies who do them look for. It also required I learn a new program, Adobe Audition. So i gave it a whirl and at the beginning of August submitted Eternally Wild on audio to ACX. No word back and I'm almost certain it will be rejected. I'm definitely not a whiz at figuring out all the editing things to clean up mistakes. I did the best I could in a little corner of my house late at night, and it was a new experience if nothing else.

I also decided to quit KDP select. It may work for some but wasn't working for my books. I decided to go with Draft2Digital and get them on other seller sites besides Amazon. I'm hoping to see better results. Already I am seeing more clicks onto the websites they are on. Some interest is better than ZERO interest.

I created several new covers for my Love on Fire series. When i get the rights to my series back in December I plan to rebrand them with new covers and titles, and I've worked on editing the stories a bit. Cleaned up mistakes we'd missed previously, and changed some wording here and there. Book 5 is ready to be released but won't be until I get the rights to the series back. I am loving Buzzy's story though and hope my readers will enjoy it as well.

Summer is ending and for me it's back to the day job. I'm glad I did accomplish a few things in the last two months, and hopefully they'll come to fruition in more attention and more sales. Time will tell.

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