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  • Writer's picturecheriesummers18

Book 2 Cover Reveal

I recently received the cover of my new book, Adrian's Melody which is Book 2 in the Love on Fire series. I am so much happier with this cover. With my first book...well it was my first book and I rushed myself through the process because I was so thrilled to have it published. When my editor told me to go to this stock photography site and choose cover models, I honestly did not take the time I should have to really search for something I loved. I settled for like. The artist for my new cover took the time to understand what the book was all about and learn about my characters so I think that helped tremendously. And Extasy Books was kind enough to allow me to use the model I had found on a different stock photography site as my cover model. I was thrilled because he is THE PERFECT Adrian Hall.

My book is still with the proofer and I'm hoping all is going well. Extasy is being kind again in allowing me a few scenes that they normally would not allow in their books. I'm hoping it is because they realize what a solid story it really is and the scenes are important to propel the saga of Melody and Adrian along. The book is scheduled for release in August!

Without further ado here is the cover for my new novel, Adrian's Melody, Book 2 in the Love on Fire Series.

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