In the sequel to my current novel, A Melody for Adrian, the main characters have something major happen to them on September 18. So imagine the thoughts running through my head when I found out I could see my Idol in Nashville, Tennesse on September 18th of this year. I felt like fate was knocking me upside the head and saying, "Get your ass there!". My daughter, Kayla, convinced me we should make the trip even though I knew as soon as I bought tickets, he would probably book dates in Florida. (he did) But it was after all, my 50th birthday . . . and it was after all September 18th. So why the hell not? I put all my money I'd been hoarding from doing photoshoots together and Kayla diligently got on Ticketmaster and secured our VIP passes!
It didn't seem real for many months. From April to September seemed like a lifetime. But during that time, my book was accepted for publication. It seemed to be another sign that my life was pointed in a positive direction and I was on a collision course to meet my writing inspiration. I decided I had to dress not for a rock concert but for meeting someone of great importance to me. No jeans as I had worn to previous shows. No way. The VIP experience deserved better. Bought a great swing dress from Unique Vintage and added a fancy corset from Subculture at the Avenues Mall. My daughter did my make up and I felt fabulous even though I appeared to be way overdressed! I thought about what I would say to him. Thought about how I would pose in the photo with him. Worried that I might get overwhelmed and cry or stammer over what to say to him.
When the time came to actually head to the backstage area for the Meet and Greet, I did not get nervous. Having other fans to talk to really helped out I believe. But the room where he was had two doors, one to go into and one to come out of. So as we walk toward the entrance, you see him through the exit door. And when I first caught sight of him, he took my breath away. For 32 years I have loved this man. His music got me through rough times in my life and inspired my writing. And he was just as gorgeous at 59 as he was when I first saw him at age 28.
As I reached the entrance, I worried about tripping and falling over my feet, but I didn't (even though I'd worn kitten heels). When it was my turn to enter, I wanted to scream but held it in. Then I went into total DORK mode talking WAY too much. That's how my nervousness manifested. I couldn't shut up! I kept thanking him over and over for allowing us to meet him. I got on the wrong side of him for the photo and realized I was supposed to be in the middle. Then Kayla joined us for a photo. Our time was soon up and the VIP folks wanted us to leave. BUT, I thought to myself. When will I ever see this man again? I've waited so long for this. This is my chance of a lifetime . . . so I have to take it! As he took my hand to shake it and send me off, i placed my other hand on his, thanked him again, told him he had been such an inspiration in my life, told him my book was being published and it was dedicated to him. He smiled and said that it was great and thanked me. And then the VIP folks were ready to tackle me and get me out of there, so I had to hurry away. Then I realized I had totally ignored his guitar player, Steve Stevens, who had been there with us. Oh well! Next time, I'll remember to say hello to him!